Marine ecologist working as a knowledge broker at the interface of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

Inspiring solutions
We need sustainable solutions and concrete action to manage and conserve essential ecosystems and ecosystem services for future generations. We can achieve this by sharing successes, learning from one another, and forge new partnerships. I supported the development of the PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet partnership, including the set-up of its interactive web platform. In dialogue with local partners on the ground, I supported the documentation and exchange of success stories in nature conservation worldwide to forge new partnerships creating an impact on the ground.
Marine and coastal conservation
The ocean covers the majority of our planet and is essential to our well-being. Still, the ocean’s health is threatened by our behaviour – unsustainable use of resources, habitat destruction, and climate change. Collaborative efforts are needed to halt the decline of the state of the ocean. As a tropical aquatic ecologist with research experience on mangroves, I have long-time experience in marine and coastal conservation projects for sustainable development, focusing on bridging the science-policy gap, ocean governance, marine protected areas, and sustainable blue economy. As a policy advisor, I closely followed and supported contributions to international and regional policy processes, including Agenda 2030 & SDG14 and the Convention on Biological Diversity.
I look forward to hearing from you and discussing collaborations!